5 Legends On The Mythology Of Pearls You Didn't Know

Author Elisa Pennimpede
Date Dec 18, 2020

Five Legends On The Mythology Of Pearls You Didn't Know

Pearls symbolize wisdom gained through experience. And as the birthstone for June, this organic stone is the subject of many myths and legends. Pearls are thought to attract wealth and luck as well as protection. The pearl also symbolizes the purity, generosity, integrity, and loyalty of its wearer. They radiate a calming effect and can balance your karma, strengthen relationships, and even keep children safe.

Here are five legends you might not know about pearls as well as some of our favorite estate pearl pieces:

1. A Persian legend says that pearls were created when a rainbow met the earth after a storm. Imperfections in a pearl's appearance were the result of thunder and lightning.

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2. The ancient Egyptians valued pearls so much that they were buried with them. Legend has it that Cleopatra dissolved a pearl from one of her earrings in a glass of wine and drank it to show Mark Anthony that she could consume the riches of an entire population in just one gulp.

ESER5564.jpg14K Yellow Gold Cultured Pearl and Diamond Earrings

3) The ancient Japanese believed that pearls were created out of the tears of mermaids, nymphs, angels and other mythical beings.

ESNK4800.jpgTiffany & Co. 18K White Gold Cultured Pearl and Diamond Pendant

4) In Tahitian myth, Oro the god of peace and fertility, visited the earth on a rainbow to bring a magical oyster. He offered the black pearl within to the princess Bora Bora as a symbol of his love.

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5) Another romantic South Sea story describes full moon bathing in the dark ocean. Beams of light attracted oysters to the surface shimmering like celestial dew, enveloping their black pearls with colorful hues of blue, purple, green, and gold.

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SKU: ESNK4564 || $14,950 || SHOP NOW

6) Ancient Chinese civilizations believed black pearls were formed within a dragon's head. Once full-grown, the pearls were carried between his teeth. You had to slay the dragon to collect the pearls.

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Looking for even more vintage and estate pearl jewelry? Shop our pearl collection online or visit us in stores at one of our five locations!

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